
Brad glover skaven sky fleet
Brad glover skaven sky fleet

brad glover skaven sky fleet

In this manner, the Lizardmen built fabulous structures that rose high above the steaming jungles. The Skinks were the technicians and the overseers it was their role to direct the beasts of burden to haul and heft the heavy loads. By command of the Old Ones, the Slann established the rainforest temple-cities in the region that would one day become Lustria. While the Saurus brought order to the world with their brutal campaigns of destruction, greater projects were undertaken. The Old Ones frequently used the polar gateways to travel the cosmos, but in the meantime they created further spawnings of Slann to execute their plans. As the climate warmed, the Saurus were created to destroy these anomalies and soon vast armies marched to war - a fight to eradicate those native races that needed to be removed. They did however encounter some creatures whose existence was incompatible with their future plans. Powerful and far-sighted, the Old Ones could shape new life forms even from these imperfect materials.

brad glover skaven sky fleet

For upon the world, the Old Ones had encountered many primitive creatures, including those that would one day be transformed into the first Elves, Dwarfs and Men.

brad glover skaven sky fleet

It was the Slann who were to guide the lesser races whose creation would soon follow. They were the grand viziers, trusted creatures of prodigious intellect, and the only beings able to withstand direct contact with the near-omnipotent Old Ones and comprehend their teachings. Thus was the first spawning of the Slann Mage-Priests begun. The Old Ones created servants to tend to their needs. In time, the ice sheets retreated, verdant forests soon growing to cover over the newly revealed land. Using powers beyond mortal comprehension, they shifted the planet’s orbit towards the warming sun. Before the designs for their newest planet could be fully set in motion, the Old Ones had to reshape it to better fit their needs. The Old Ones decreed that this world would have a central place in their unknowable plans and stellar gates at either pole were created to allow easy access to this hopeful new colony. In their travels across the endless expanse of the universe, one planet caught their eye, for they saw in it a unique and boundless potential. Others, often situated in the cold void of space, were portals so large that vessels the size of moons could pass through. Some were small portals, allowing an individual to travel inconceivable distances with but a single step. Each world in the Old Ones’ empire was linked by a gateway.

brad glover skaven sky fleet

Their technology was advanced beyond imagination - to them, astrology and astronomy, science and magic were all one and the same. These strangers, known as the Old Ones, came from beyond the stars where they ruled an empire that spanned not just the cosmos, but time itself. Into this brutal age came a mysterious race of god-like beings that plied the heavens in silvered ships. Of that time of eternal twilight there is little knowledge, although buried ruins and descendant creatures still remain. Some of these life forms were unthinking creatures of pure instinct, others were established civilizations that rose and fell in that forgotten age. These enormous creatures battled for dominance and the warmest regions, those nearest the equatorial band, became the most highly contested zones. Long before Chaos came to the world, in a time before Elves, Dwarfs or Men, the land was ruled by titanic monsters. The origin of the Lizardmen is a tale that goes back to a primeval era when the world was dark and largely encased by thick sheets of ice.

Brad glover skaven sky fleet